Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week #3 September 13 - 19

I still have an abundance of apples, so I knew going into this week that I wanted to make a pie that would use some of these apples. Just by chance, I thought about making an apple and pear pie. A google search later, and I had a recipe to use.

I was invited to a friend's family's house on the ocean this weekend. I made the pie knowing it would be my friends' first experience with this yearlong pursuit of mine. I was slightly nervous, but they all seemed to really enjoy it. Everyone was supportive of my endeavour. My friend John has become quite the photographer, and took some nice pictures (of both the pie as well as our weekend in general).

The spiced apple and pear pie was very appropriate for the weekend. On the one hand, there were the pears, a nice summer fruit. Not to be outdone, the apples, the perennial king of fall were also in there. Just like this past weekend was beautiful and warm, everyone knew fall was just around the bend.

In the past, I had almost always been using a pre-made crust. This will be one of the last times that I do. I know they are easier, but they just aren't as good. My friend Victoria was very adamant about making sure I make my own crust in the future. And to please her, as well as myself, going forward I plan on it.


  1. Brian,
    Great pie. I thought the pears were a great addition, and added a balanced sweetness to the sometimes overly tart apples. Your crust, even though it was store bought, was cooked perfectly- it was still nice and flaky, but had a little crisp to it. Well done.
